Many people say that purchasing a home is the biggest financial investment many people will ever make, farmers are some of those people who do not fall in that category.
The price to run a farm makes it important to have an insurance policy that safeguards your farming assets. Farm policies can be designed to safeguard your barns, sheds, garages, grain bins, silos, and other structures around your farm.
The coverage provided is generally the same as that on your home, meaning that weather events like windstorms, lightening, and hail are covered. Also, accidents such as damage by a vehicle, theft, or vandalism are included.
If your machine shed were to be destroyed by a tornado whipping across the heartland it could be a devastating blow to your farming operations. Beside losing your machine shed your equipment inside could also cause finacial hardship if not covered properly on your policy as scheduled farm property or under a farm blanket.
Clark Carroll Insurance Agency provides Farm Owner's Insurance solutions around the area of Mt. Carroll, Lanark, Shannon, Milledgeville, Chadwick, Lake Carroll, Savanna, Thomson, Pearl City, and many more areas in Northwest Illinois.