In the event that you need additional liability coverage, an umbrella policy from Clark Carroll Insurance Agency will assist in keeping creditors away from your personal finances. Umbrella coverage is often an overlooked aspect when people purchase insurance. An Umbrella policy will pay for your liability claims above and beyond what your primary insurance policy will cover.
A lawsuit is the last thing anyone wants to think of happening to them. This could be devastating whether you are sued professionally or personally.
However, with an umbrella policy from Clark Carroll Insurance Agency you can take the stress off your shoulders knowing that you have increased liability coverage above what your primary insurance policy offers.
Personal Umbrella insurance can be applied to events such as:
Car Accidents
Accidental injuries on your property
Accidents involving your boat, ATV, or other recreational vehicle
Golf Course Injuries
Defense fees and other legal costs
Personal Injury Coverage for claims of libel, slander, and more
Commercial Umbrella insurance can be applied to events such as:
Accidental falls or slips on your property
A carbon monoxide leak in your building
Libel, slander, or invasion of privacy
If one of your products causes injury or illness
If a fire in your building damages other property
Violations of Employment Practices Liability
If your business vehicle is involved in an accident
What’s Peace of Mind Worth to You?
An umbrella policy provides additional layers of liability protection. If the liability limits are exhausted on your home, auto, or other underlying insurance policy, your umbrella insurance policy takes over and provides you with additional protection. The cost is minimal compared to the comfort of knowing you’re covered.
Do You Have Enough Liability Insurance?
Imagine what would happen if your dog was to bite a neighbor’s child, or if there was an accident on your rental property. What would happen if a fire in your condo spread to other units? If any of these things happened to you, there’s a good chance your current liability limits wouldn’t be adequate to protect your assets, or your future earnings.
Liability Insurance Starts When the Others Stop
Once the liability limits are exhausted on your home, auto, or other policy, your umbrella policy takes over and provides a second layer of protection of at least $1,000,000. Higher limits may also be available. Talk with Clark Carroll Insurance Agency to determine the right amount of coverage for your needs.
Broad Coverages
An umbrella insurance policy also pays some claims not covered by your home, auto, or other underlying insurance. The policy covers not just you, but your spouse and all family members living in your household, anywhere in the world. Legal defense fees are also paid.
The right coverage for you is unique – talk to Clark Carroll Insurance Agency today to find out how to protect yourself, your family and your future with the right personal umbrella insurance for you. Just call 815-244-1570 to speak with one of our agents and determine the right coverage for you.
Clark Carroll Insurance Agency provides Umbrella coverage in Mt. Carroll, Lanark, Shannon, Milledgeville, Chadwick, Lake Carroll, Savanna, Thomson, Pearl City, and many more areas in Northwest Illinois.